The Baseball Cube


Doug Glanville  

Doug Glanville  


Proper Name
Douglas Metunwa Glanville
High Level
MLB (1996-2004)
CF (885) ... OF (614) ... LF (155) ... RF (10)
Ht / Wt
6-2 / 172
Bats / Throws
Right / Right
Hackensack,New Jersey
High School
Teaneck (Teaneck,NJ)
University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia,PA),
Signing Bonus
$ 325,000
draft posit
MLB Debut
MLB Teams
CHN [8] PHI [6] TEX [1]
mlbam id
Stat Capsuleavgopsabrhhrrbisb
Career MLB [1996-2004].277.6953964553110059333168
Player Tags
Player Notes:  [2010] Inducted into the Penn Athletics Hall of Fame
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Batting Statistics
*Reload page to restore grid
Grid Actions:
Tips/tools for using data gri ds:

  • Manual Filter: Single-click a row to highlight in orange. Click FILTER ROWS button to show only those rows in the grid
  • Quick-Filter: Double-Click on a cell value to filter the grid on rows that have same value in same column. Click a statistic to view all values equal or higher
  • Select Rows: Single-click rows to select multiple rows for future action or visibility.
  • Hide Rows: Click the` minus sign in the first column to hide the row in the grid.
  • Restore Rows: Once rows are filtered, click RESTORE ROWS to show all rows once again
  • Sort: Click a column in the first header row to sort data by values in that column. Click again to reverse the original sort. Some cells have custom sort keys that will sort them logically instead of alphanumerically.
  • Compare/Analyze: Click multiple rows for players of interest. In addition to filtering, you can quickly COMPARE player stats or use the MULTI-PLAYER STAT VIEWER to view multiple player cards on the same page.
  • Leaders: On stat grids. Top-10 ranked statistics are highlighted in gray. #1 rank is in light green. (PREMIUM setting)
  • Export to CSV: Click CSV to convert the full grid into a comma-delimeted display. From there, you can copy/paste to another application.
year team name league level org age   # pos link   g ab   r   h 2b 3b hr rbi sb cs bb so hbp sh sf iw gdp tb pa xbh 1b avg obp slg ops secA iso babip bb% so% so/bb ab/hr
1989 Pennsylvania EIBL NCAA-1 Fr 18 -- cf -- 39 137 46 45 7 3 2 23 25 2 20 12 0 0 0 0 0 64 157 12 33 .328 .414 .467 .881 .453 .139 .350 12.74 7.64 0.60 68.50
1990 Pennsylvania EIBL NCAA-1 So 19 -- cf -- 39 145 31 49 7 2 3 25 18 4 15 7 0 0 0 0 0 69 160 12 37 .338 .400 .476 .876 .338 .138 .341 9.38 4.38 0.47 48.33
1991 Pennsylvania EIBL NCAA-1 Jr 20 -- cf -- 35 140 32 58 9 5 6 36 15 2 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 95 149 20 38 .414 .450 .679 1.128 .421 .264 .416 6.04 6.04 1.00 23.33
1991 Geneva Cubs NYPL A- chn 20 -- of -- 36 152 29 46 8 0 2 12 17 3 11 25 1 3 1 0 0 60 168 10 36 .303 .352 .395 .746 .257 .092 .349 6.55 14.88 2.27 76.00
1992 Winston-Salem Spirits Caro A+ chn 21 -- of -- 120 485 72 125 18 4 4 36 32 9 40 78 4 9 2 0 0 163 540 26 99 .258 .318 .336 .654 .208 .078 .299 7.41 14.44 1.95 121.25
1993 Daytona Cubs FSL A+ chn 22 -- of -- 61 239 47 70 10 1 2 21 18 15 28 24 3 4 0 0 0 88 274 13 57 .293 .374 .368 .742 .205 .075 .319 10.22 8.76 0.86 119.50
1993 Orlando Cubs Sou AA chn 22 -- of -- 73 296 42 78 14 4 9 40 15 7 12 41 2 6 5 0 0 127 321 27 51 .264 .292 .429 .721 .233 .166 .275 3.74 12.77 3.42 32.89
1994 Orlando Cubs Sou AA chn 23 -- of -- 130 483 53 127 22 2 5 52 26 20 24 49 5 10 7 4 7 168 529 29 98 .263 .301 .348 .648 .147 .085 .280 4.54 9.26 2.04 96.60
1995 Iowa Cubs Amer AAA chn 24 -- of -- 112 419 48 113 14 2 4 37 13 9 16 64 3 7 4 0 4 143 449 20 93 .270 .299 .341 .640 .119 .072 .307 3.56 14.25 4.00 104.75
1996 Iowa Cubs Amer AAA chn 25 -- of -- 90 373 53 115 23 3 3 34 15 10 12 35 2 7 3 1 2 153 397 29 86 .308 .331 .410 .741 .147 .102 .331 3.02 8.82 2.92 124.33
1996 Chicago Cubs NL MLB chn 25 1 lf log 49 83 10 20 5 1 1 10 2 0 3 11 0 2 1 0 0 30 89 7 13 .241 .264 .361 .626 .181 .120 .264 3.37 12.36 3.67 83.00
1997 Chicago Cubs NL MLB chn 26 1,8 lf log 146 474 79 142 22 5 4 35 19 11 24 46 1 9 2 0 9 186 510 31 111 .300 .333 .392 .726 .160 .093 .324 4.71 9.02 1.92 118.50
1998 Philadelphia Phillies NL MLB phi 27 6 cf log 158 678 106 189 28 7 8 49 23 6 42 89 6 5 4 1 7 255 735 43 146 .279 .325 .376 .701 .184 .097 .309 5.71 12.11 2.12 84.75
1999 Philadelphia Phillies NL MLB phi 28 6 cf log 150 628 101 204 38 6 11 73 34 2 48 82 6 5 5 1 9 287 692 55 149 .325 .376 .457 .833 .260 .132 .357 6.94 11.85 1.71 57.09
2000 Philadelphia Phillies NL MLB phi 29 6 cf log 154 637 89 175 27 6 8 52 31 8 31 76 2 12 7 1 11 238 689 41 134 .275 .307 .374 .681 .184 .099 .298 4.50 11.03 2.45 79.63
2001 Philadelphia Phillies NL MLB phi 30 6 cf log 153 634 74 166 24 3 14 55 28 6 19 91 4 10 7 1 7 238 674 41 125 .262 .285 .375 .660 .178 .114 .284 2.82 13.50 4.79 45.29
2002 Philadelphia Phillies NL MLB phi 31 6 cf log 138 422 49 105 16 3 6 29 19 2 25 57 2 8 3 4 5 145 460 25 80 .249 .292 .344 .636 .194 .095 .273 5.43 12.39 2.28 70.33
2003 Frisco RoughRiders Tex AA tex 32 -- of -- 4 15 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 2 16 0 2 .133 .188 .133 .321 .067 .000 .182 6.25 25.00 4.00 --
2003 Oklahoma RedHawks PCL AAA tex 32 -- of -- 9 37 4 6 0 0 0 3 1 0 2 3 1 0 0 1 1 6 40 0 6 .162 .225 .162 .387 .081 .000 .176 5.00 7.50 1.50 --
2003 Texas Rangers AL MLB tex 32 6 cf log 52 195 22 53 5 0 4 14 4 0 6 25 0 2 0 1 2 70 203 9 44 .272 .294 .359 .653 .138 .087 .295 2.96 12.32 4.17 48.75
2003 Chicago Cubs NL MLB chn 32 4 cf log 28 51 2 12 0 0 1 2 0 1 2 4 0 1 1 0 0 15 55 1 11 .235 .259 .294 .553 .078 .059 .234 3.64 7.27 2.00 51.00
2004 Philadelphia Phillies NL MLB phi 33 6 cf log 87 162 21 34 1 1 2 14 8 0 8 21 0 3 2 1 5 43 175 4 30 .210 .244 .265 .510 .154 .056 .227 4.57 12.00 2.63 81.00
1991 A- Total -- CHN -- -- -- -- 36 152 29 46 8 0 2 12 17 3 11 25 1 3 1 0 0 60 168 10 36 .303 .352 .395 .746 .257 .092 .349 6.55 14.88 2.27 76.00
1992 A+ Total -- CHN -- -- -- -- 120 485 72 125 18 4 4 36 32 9 40 78 4 9 2 0 0 163 540 26 99 .258 .318 .336 .654 .208 .078 .299 7.41 14.44 1.95 121.25
1993 AA / A+ Total -- CHN -- -- -- -- 134 535 89 148 24 5 11 61 33 22 40 65 5 10 5 0 0 215 595 40 108 .277 .330 .402 .732 .221 .125 .295 6.72 10.92 1.63 48.64
1994 AA Total -- CHN -- -- -- -- 130 483 53 127 22 2 5 52 26 20 24 49 5 10 7 4 7 168 529 29 98 .263 .301 .348 .648 .147 .085 .280 4.54 9.26 2.04 96.60
1995 AAA Total -- CHN -- -- -- -- 112 419 48 113 14 2 4 37 13 9 16 64 3 7 4 0 4 143 449 20 93 .270 .299 .341 .640 .119 .072 .307 3.56 14.25 4.00 104.75
1996 AAA Total -- CHN -- -- -- -- 90 373 53 115 23 3 3 34 15 10 12 35 2 7 3 1 2 153 397 29 86 .308 .331 .410 .741 .147 .102 .331 3.02 8.82 2.92 124.33
1996 MLB Total -- CHN -- -- -- -- 49 83 10 20 5 1 1 10 2 0 3 11 0 2 1 0 0 30 89 7 13 .241 .264 .361 .626 .181 .120 .264 3.37 12.36 3.67 83.00
1997 MLB Total -- CHN -- -- -- -- 146 474 79 142 22 5 4 35 19 11 24 46 1 9 2 0 9 186 510 31 111 .300 .333 .392 .726 .160 .093 .324 4.71 9.02 1.92 118.50
1998 MLB Total -- PHI -- -- -- -- 158 678 106 189 28 7 8 49 23 6 42 89 6 5 4 1 7 255 735 43 146 .279 .325 .376 .701 .184 .097 .309 5.71 12.11 2.12 84.75
1999 MLB Total -- PHI -- -- -- -- 150 628 101 204 38 6 11 73 34 2 48 82 6 5 5 1 9 287 692 55 149 .325 .376 .457 .833 .260 .132 .357 6.94 11.85 1.71 57.09
2000 MLB Total -- PHI -- -- -- -- 154 637 89 175 27 6 8 52 31 8 31 76 2 12 7 1 11 238 689 41 134 .275 .307 .374 .681 .184 .099 .298 4.50 11.03 2.45 79.63
2001 MLB Total -- PHI -- -- -- -- 153 634 74 166 24 3 14 55 28 6 19 91 4 10 7 1 7 238 674 41 125 .262 .285 .375 .660 .178 .114 .284 2.82 13.50 4.79 45.29
2002 MLB Total -- PHI -- -- -- -- 138 422 49 105 16 3 6 29 19 2 25 57 2 8 3 4 5 145 460 25 80 .249 .292 .344 .636 .194 .095 .273 5.43 12.39 2.28 70.33
2003 AA / AAA Total -- TEX -- -- -- -- 13 52 6 8 0 0 0 3 1 0 3 7 1 0 0 1 1 8 56 0 8 .154 .214 .154 .368 .077 .000 .178 5.36 12.50 2.33 --
2003 MLB Total -- TEX,CHN -- -- -- -- 80 246 24 65 5 0 5 16 4 1 8 29 0 3 1 1 2 85 258 10 55 .264 .286 .346 .632 .126 .081 .282 3.10 11.24 3.63 49.20
2004 MLB Total -- PHI -- -- -- -- 87 162 21 34 1 1 2 14 8 0 8 21 0 3 2 1 5 43 175 4 30 .210 .244 .265 .510 .154 .056 .227 4.57 12.00 2.63 81.00
Total MLB (9 yrs) -- MLB -- -- -- -- -- 1115 3964 553 1100 166 32 59 333 168 36 208 502 21 57 32 10 55 1507 4282 257 843 .277 .315 .380 .695 .188 .103 .303 4.86 11.72 2.41 67.19
Total Minors (7 yrs) -- Minors -- -- -- -- -- 635 2499 350 682 109 16 29 235 137 73 146 323 21 46 22 6 14 910 2734 154 528 .273 .316 .364 .680 .175 .091 .301 5.34 11.81 2.21 86.17
Total AL (1 yrs) -- AL -- -- -- -- -- 52 195 22 53 5 0 4 14 4 0 6 25 0 2 0 1 2 70 203 9 44 .272 .294 .359 .653 .138 .087 .295 2.96 12.32 4.17 48.75
Total NL (9 yrs) -- NL -- -- -- -- -- 1063 3769 531 1047 161 32 55 319 164 36 202 477 21 55 32 9 53 1437 4079 248 799 .278 .316 .381 .697 .191 .103 .303 4.95 11.69 2.36 68.53
Total AAA (3 yrs) -- AAA -- -- -- -- -- 211 829 105 234 37 5 7 74 29 19 30 102 6 14 7 2 7 302 886 49 185 .282 .310 .364 .674 .130 .082 .312 3.39 11.51 3.40 118.43
Total AA (3 yrs) -- AA -- -- -- -- -- 207 794 97 207 36 6 14 92 41 27 37 94 7 16 12 4 7 297 866 56 151 .261 .295 .374 .669 .178 .113 .277 4.27 10.85 2.54 56.71
Total A+ (2 yrs) -- A+ -- -- -- -- -- 181 724 119 195 28 5 6 57 50 24 68 102 7 13 2 0 0 251 814 39 156 .269 .337 .347 .684 .207 .077 .306 8.35 12.53 1.50 120.67
Total A- (1 yrs) -- A- -- -- -- -- -- 36 152 29 46 8 0 2 12 17 3 11 25 1 3 1 0 0 60 168 10 36 .303 .352 .395 .746 .257 .092 .349 6.55 14.88 2.27 76.00
Total NCAA-1 (3 yrs) -- NCAA-1 -- -- -- -- -- 113 422 109 152 23 10 11 84 58 8 44 28 0 0 0 0 0 228 466 44 108 .360 .421 .540 .961 .403 .180 .368 9.44 6.01 0.64 38.36
Other Batting
*Reload page to restore grid
Grid Actions:
Tips/tools for using data gri ds:

  • Manual Filter: Single-click a row to highlight in orange. Click FILTER ROWS button to show only those rows in the grid
  • Quick-Filter: Double-Click on a cell value to filter the grid on rows that have same value in same column. Click a statistic to view all values equal or higher
  • Select Rows: Single-click rows to select multiple rows for future action or visibility.
  • Hide Rows: Click the` minus sign in the first column to hide the row in the grid.
  • Restore Rows: Once rows are filtered, click RESTORE ROWS to show all rows once again
  • Sort: Click a column in the first header row to sort data by values in that column. Click again to reverse the original sort. Some cells have custom sort keys that will sort them logically instead of alphanumerically.
  • Compare/Analyze: Click multiple rows for players of interest. In addition to filtering, you can quickly COMPARE player stats or use the MULTI-PLAYER STAT VIEWER to view multiple player cards on the same page.
  • Leaders: On stat grids. Top-10 ranked statistics are highlighted in gray. #1 rank is in light green. (PREMIUM setting)
  • Export to CSV: Click CSV to convert the full grid into a comma-delimeted display. From there, you can copy/paste to another application.
year team name league level age   g ab   r   h 2b 3b hr rbi sb cs bb so hbp sh sf iw gdp tb pa xbh 1b avg obp slg ops secA iso babip bb% so% so/bb ab/hr
2003 Chicago Cubs Division Series Playoffs 32 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 0.00 0.00 -- --
2003 Chicago Cubs Championship Series Playoffs 32 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 1 0 1.000 1.000 3.000 4.000 2.000 2.000 1.000 0.00 0.00 -- --
-- Totals -- Playoffs 32 3 2 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 2 1 0 .500 .500 1.500 2.000 1.000 1.000 .500 0.00 0.00 -- --
Fielding Statistics
*Reload page to restore grid
Grid Actions:
Tips/tools for using data gri ds:

  • Manual Filter: Single-click a row to highlight in orange. Click FILTER ROWS button to show only those rows in the grid
  • Quick-Filter: Double-Click on a cell value to filter the grid on rows that have same value in same column. Click a statistic to view all values equal or higher
  • Select Rows: Single-click rows to select multiple rows for future action or visibility.
  • Hide Rows: Click the` minus sign in the first column to hide the row in the grid.
  • Restore Rows: Once rows are filtered, click RESTORE ROWS to show all rows once again
  • Sort: Click a column in the first header row to sort data by values in that column. Click again to reverse the original sort. Some cells have custom sort keys that will sort them logically instead of alphanumerically.
  • Compare/Analyze: Click multiple rows for players of interest. In addition to filtering, you can quickly COMPARE player stats or use the MULTI-PLAYER STAT VIEWER to view multiple player cards on the same page.
  • Leaders: On stat grids. Top-10 ranked statistics are highlighted in gray. #1 rank is in light green. (PREMIUM setting)
  • Export to CSV: Click CSV to convert the full grid into a comma-delimeted display. From there, you can copy/paste to another application.
year team name league level mlb age pos   g gs inn po   a   e dp tc tsc sb cs sb% fpct rfg rfi rf9i tm shr pl shr tm rk
1991 Geneva Cubs NYPL A- chn 20 of 36 0 0.0 77 4 0 1 81 81 0 0 -- 1.000 2.3 -- -- 46.2 100.0 4
1992 Winston-Salem Spirits Caro A+ chn 21 of 120 0 0.0 293 12 7 4 312 305 0 0 -- .978 2.5 -- -- 173.9 100.0 2
1993 Orlando Cubs Sou AA chn 22 of 70 0 0.0 168 8 5 3 181 176 0 0 -- .972 2.5 -- -- 49.6 95.9 3
1993 Daytona Cubs FSL A+ chn 22 of 60 0 0.0 123 11 7 4 141 134 0 0 -- .950 2.2 -- -- 45.1 98.4 3
1994 Orlando Cubs Sou AA chn 23 of 129 0 0.0 322 14 3 4 339 336 0 0 -- .991 2.6 -- -- 94.2 99.2 1
1995 Iowa Cubs Amer AAA chn 24 of 101 0 0.0 209 9 4 3 222 218 0 0 -- .982 2.2 -- -- 70.6 90.2 3
1996 Chicago Cubs NL MLB chn 25 lf 19 11 110.1 25 1 1 0 27 26 0 0 -- .963 1.4 0.24 2.13 11.7 38.8 4
1996 Chicago Cubs NL MLB chn 25 cf 9 3 34.0 8 0 0 0 8 8 0 0 -- 1.000 0.9 0.24 2.12 5.6 18.4 3
1996 Chicago Cubs NL MLB chn 25 rf 8 0 14.0 2 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 -- 1.000 0.3 0.14 1.29 4.9 16.3 5
1996 Iowa Cubs Amer AAA chn 25 of 86 0 0.0 217 6 3 3 226 223 0 0 -- .987 2.6 -- -- 59.7 95.6 2
1997 Chicago Cubs NL MLB chn 26 lf 120 80 803.1 184 11 3 2 198 195 0 0 -- .985 1.6 0.24 2.19 74.1 82.2 1
1997 Chicago Cubs NL MLB chn 26 cf 30 25 218.1 61 1 0 1 62 62 0 0 -- 1.000 2.1 0.28 2.56 18.5 20.5 3
1997 Chicago Cubs NL MLB chn 26 rf 1 0 3.0 2 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 -- 1.000 2.0 0.67 6.00 0.6 0.7 2
1998 Philadelphia Phillies NL MLB phi 27 cf 158 155 1,398.0 357 14 2 3 373 371 0 0 -- .995 2.3 0.27 2.39 97.5 100.0 1
1999 Philadelphia Phillies NL MLB phi 28 cf 148 146 1,267.2 385 13 8 3 406 398 0 0 -- .980 2.7 0.31 2.83 91.4 98.7 1
2000 Philadelphia Phillies NL MLB phi 29 cf 150 145 1,275.1 383 9 4 4 396 392 0 0 -- .990 2.6 0.31 2.77 92.6 97.4 1
2001 Philadelphia Phillies NL MLB phi 30 cf 150 147 1,310.2 412 8 4 3 424 420 0 0 -- .991 2.8 0.32 2.89 92.6 98.0 1
2002 Philadelphia Phillies NL MLB phi 31 cf 117 95 891.1 221 7 0 4 228 228 0 0 -- 1.000 1.9 0.26 2.30 72.7 84.8 1
2003 Chicago Cubs NL MLB chn 32 lf 3 0 4.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- .000 0.0 0.00 0.00 1.9 10.7 4
2003 Chicago Cubs NL MLB chn 32 cf 15 8 82.0 27 1 0 1 28 28 0 0 -- 1.000 1.9 0.34 3.07 9.3 53.6 4
2003 Texas Rangers AL MLB tex 32 cf 52 47 417.2 117 1 0 0 118 118 0 0 -- 1.000 2.3 0.28 2.55 32.1 100.0 2
2003 Chicago Cubs NL MLB chn 32 rf 1 1 6.0 3 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 -- 1.000 3.0 0.50 4.50 0.6 3.6 4
2003 Oklahoma RedHawks PCL AAA tex 32 of 8 0 0.0 10 0 0 0 10 10 0 0 -- 1.000 1.3 -- -- 5.6 88.9 13
2003 Frisco RoughRiders Tex AA tex 32 of 4 0 0.0 7 0 1 0 8 7 0 0 -- .875 1.8 -- -- 2.9 100.0 10
2004 Philadelphia Phillies NL MLB phi 33 lf 13 6 65.1 22 0 0 0 22 22 0 0 -- 1.000 1.7 0.34 3.04 8.0 14.9 3
2004 Philadelphia Phillies NL MLB phi 33 cf 56 24 286.0 90 0 0 0 90 90 0 0 -- 1.000 1.6 0.31 2.83 34.6 64.4 2
Total MLB (4 yrs) -- MLB -- -- lf 155 97 982 231 12 4 2 247 243 0 0 -- .984 1.6 0.25 2.23 -- -- --
Total MLB (9 yrs) -- MLB -- -- cf 885 795 7,179 2061 54 18 19 2133 2115 0 0 -- .992 2.4 0.29 2.65 -- -- --
Total MLB (3 yrs) -- MLB -- -- rf 10 1 23 7 0 0 0 7 7 0 0 -- 1.000 0.7 0.30 2.74 -- -- --
Total AAA (3 yrs) -- AAA -- -- of 195 0 0 436 15 7 6 458 451 0 0 -- .985 2.3 -- -- -- -- --
Total AA (3 yrs) -- AA -- -- of 203 0 0 497 22 9 7 528 519 0 0 -- .983 2.6 -- -- -- -- --
Total A+ (2 yrs) -- A+ -- -- of 180 0 0 416 23 14 8 453 439 0 0 -- .969 2.4 -- -- -- -- --
Total A- (1 yrs) -- A- -- -- of 36 0 0 77 4 0 1 81 81 0 0 -- 1.000 2.3 -- -- -- -- --
Yearly Positional Grid
*Reload page to restore grid
Grid Actions:
Tips/tools for using data gri ds:

  • Manual Filter: Single-click a row to highlight in orange. Click FILTER ROWS button to show only those rows in the grid
  • Quick-Filter: Double-Click on a cell value to filter the grid on rows that have same value in same column. Click a statistic to view all values equal or higher
  • Select Rows: Single-click rows to select multiple rows for future action or visibility.
  • Hide Rows: Click the` minus sign in the first column to hide the row in the grid.
  • Restore Rows: Once rows are filtered, click RESTORE ROWS to show all rows once again
  • Sort: Click a column in the first header row to sort data by values in that column. Click again to reverse the original sort. Some cells have custom sort keys that will sort them logically instead of alphanumerically.
  • Compare/Analyze: Click multiple rows for players of interest. In addition to filtering, you can quickly COMPARE player stats or use the MULTI-PLAYER STAT VIEWER to view multiple player cards on the same page.
  • Leaders: On stat grids. Top-10 ranked statistics are highlighted in gray. #1 rank is in light green. (PREMIUM setting)
  • Export to CSV: Click CSV to convert the full grid into a comma-delimeted display. From there, you can copy/paste to another application.
year category pos p pos c pos 1b pos 2b pos 3b pos ss pos lf pos cf pos rf pos of pos dh
1991 Minor 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 36 0
1992 Minor 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 120 0
1993 Minor 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 130 0
1994 Minor 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 129 0
1995 Minor 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 101 0
1996 Minor 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 86 0
1996 MLB 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 9 8 0 0
1997 MLB 0 0 0 0 0 0 120 30 1 0 0
1998 MLB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 158 0 0 0
1999 MLB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 148 0 0 0
2000 MLB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 150 0 0 0
2001 MLB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 150 0 0 0
2002 MLB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 117 0 0 0
2003 Minor 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0
2003 MLB 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 67 1 0 0
2004 MLB 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 56 0 0 0