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Oakland High School

Oakland, California
High School Name
Oakland High School
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Alumni Listed
Drafted from School
Total Draft Picks
Major Leaguers
Active Players
Based on available information for this High School. The list of alumni is not intended to be complete and is reflective only of players currently in the TBC player database with a listed high school. If you find a player missing from this list who is currently in our database, please let us know.

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High School Alumni

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playerposhtwtbathbornplacehilvlmlb yearsstat yearsdraft infostatuscur-orgcur-levcollege(s)
Larry AshleyOF5-11180RR1960-06-16Oakland,CARk1979-1979
1978-  8- 193-HOU
z-no colleges
Harvey BrumfieldOF5-10165LL1965-02-03Oakland,CAAA1986-1990
1986- 13- 322-PHI
Fresno State
Ajani CarterOF6-0175LL1976-07-19Oakland,CA
1994- 46-1260-MIN
Laney College
Nathan Cook3B6-1190RR1978-02-27Oakland,CA
1997- 29- 886-MON
Chabot College
John FriersonC6-0180RR1964-04-21Oakland,CAA+1982-1985
1982-  9- 213-SDN
z-no colleges
Chick Gandil1B6-2190RR1888-01-19St. Paul,MNMLB1910-19191910-1919z-no colleges
Gary HallOF5-11160RR1961-12-22Oakland,CAA1982-1984
1982-  7- 165-ATL
Reedley Junior College
Jackie JensenOF5-11190RR1927-03-09San Francisco,CAMLB1950-19611950-1961California
Anthony JohnsonOF5-10210BR1977-10-11Oakland,CAA-1996-1999
1995- 15- 413-NYN
z-no colleges
Clifford JonesP6-0170LL1970-07-23Oakland,CAA-1991-1996
1991- 23- 615-NYN
Hawaii Pacific
Mike KnightOF6-0197BR1977-02-04Oakland,CANCAA2000-2001
1996- 43-1271-OAK
Washington State, Laney College
Kevin MoonP6-2170RR1964-10-05Oakland,CAA-1982-1984
1982- 22- 566-SLN
z-no colleges
Brian MorrisonOF6-1195RR1966-08-26Oakland,CAAA1984-1991
1984- 10- 256-TOR
z-no colleges
Lloyd MosebyOF6-3200LR1959-11-05Portland,ARMLB1980-19911978-1991
1978-  1-   2-TOR
z-no colleges
Bill Rigney2B-3B6-1178RR1918-01-29Alameda,CAMLB1946-19531946-1953z-no colleges
Kenneth RobinsonP-OF
1969- 29- 692-SDN
z-no colleges
Rob SasserIF6-3205RR1975-03-09Philadelphia,PAMLB1998-19981993-2006
1993- 10- 292-ATL
z-no colleges
Donnell TateSS-C6-0175RR1976-06-28Oakland,CA
1995- 21- 564-CAL
z-no colleges
Cliff WherrySS5-11160RR1958-09-20San Francisco,CAAAA1979-1985
1979-  3-  60-HOU
UC Riverside, Laney College
19 record(s)
Based on players listed in the TBC database.
Major Leaguers are in bold
Page Last Updated: 2/4/2025 8:16:34 PM