The Baseball Cube


La Mirada, California

La Mirada, California

Players born here

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These are players known to have been born in this city. However, for larger cities, only the first 500 players will appear due to server load.
List of players from La Mirada
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player name pos ht wt ba th Born place hilvl mlb years stat years draft info
Daniel Alvarez p 6-2 150 B R 1997 La Mirada,CA College -- 2016-2022
Cory Arbiso p 6-3 210 R R 1986-04-21 La Mirada,CA AAA -- 2006-2012
2008- 22- 680-NYA
Jesus Barreto p 6-0 185 R R 2002-11-24 La Mirada,CA NAIA -- 2023-2024
AJ Bayus if 6-0 190 R R 1990 La Mirada,CA College -- 2011-2012
Trever Blood if 6-2 220 R R 1988 La Mirada,CA College -- 2009-2010
Jimmy Blumberg ss 5-11 175 R R -- La Mirada,CA NAIA -- 2021-2024
Ila Borders p 5-10 150 L L 1975-02-18 La Mirada,CA Indy -- 1997-2000
Mike Brocki if 5-9 165 R R 1964-02-04 La Mirada,CA AA -- 1987-1995
Eric Brooks c 6-2 195 R R 1969-05-18 La Mirada,CA AAA -- 1988-1998
1988-  4- 108-TOR
Gary Buckels p 6-0 185 R R 1965-07-22 La Mirada,CA MLB 1994-1994 1987-1995
1987-    UDFA-CAL
Frank Cicero of 6-0 200 R R 1974-11-25 La Mirada,CA Rk -- 1993-1998
1993- 36-1006-CHN
Ivan Cisneros p 5-11 180 R R 2005 La Mirada,CA JrCollege -- 2024-2024
Robbie Crabtree p 6-0 175 R R 1972-11-25 La Mirada,CA AAA -- 1995-2002
1996- 21- 612-SFN
Rik Currier p 5-10 180 R R 1978-05-26 La Mirada,CA AAA -- 1998-2008
2001-  6- 185-NYA
Mike DeHaro p 6-1 215 R R 2004 La Mirada,CA JrCollege -- 2021-2021
Steve Dorneman of 6-1 175 L R 1980-01-08 La Mirada,CA College -- 1999-2002
Rich Doyle p 6-5 205 R R 1964-02-09 La Mirada,CA AAA -- 1981-1989
1981-  5- 116-CLE
John Draper c 6-2 190 R R 1980-08-11 La Mirada,CA AA -- 2001-2005
2001-  4- 115-KCA
Chad Drown ss 5-11 175 R R 1972-08-12 La Mirada,CA -- -- --
1990- 11- 315-KCA
Craig Fairbrother of 6-1 210 L R 1970-10-28 La Mirada,CA College -- 1991-1992
1989- 66-1451-HOU
Jacob Ferris of 6-0 201 R R 1984-02-22 La Mirada,CA Indy -- 2007-2007
Jeff Flaig 3b 6-2 180 R R 1985-03-03 La Mirada,CA A+ -- 2004-2007
2003-  2-  56-SEA
Chad Fonceca p 6-0 185 L R 1976-01-02 La Mirada,CA Rk -- 1995-1996
Eric Fuller ss 6-3 155 R R 1976-05-22 La Mirada,CA -- -- --
1994- 69-1618-CHN
Brett Garcia p 6-1 205 R R 1999-08-18 La Mirada,CA College -- 2020-2024
player name pos ht wt ba th Born place hilvl mlb years stat years draft info
Sean Garcia if 5-9 190 L R 2003 La Mirada,CA NAIA -- 2022-2024
Rudy Gonzales of 5-10 175 L L -- La Mirada,CA JrCollege -- 2024-2024
Fernando Gonzalez c 6-2 230 R R -- La Mirada,CA JrCollege -- 2022-2023
Jakob Gonzalez p 5-9 175 R R 1998 La Mirada,CA College -- 2017-2018
Jeff Groeger p 6-5 220 R R 1980-09-05 La Mirada,CA Rk -- 2001-2008
Christian Gutierrez p 5-10 -- -- -- 2003 La Mirada,CA NAIA -- 2022-2024
Garrett Guzman of 5-9 180 L L 1983-02-07 La Mirada,CA AAA -- 2001-2010
2001- 10- 287-MIN
Aidan Haller if 6-0 165 R R 2005 La Mirada,CA -- -- --
Jeffery Hallock c 5-11 180 R R 1976-02-06 La Mirada,CA -- -- --
1994- 40-1105-COL
Ryan Hernandez p 5-9 140 L L 2001-01-06 La Mirada,CA College -- 2020-2024
Steve Hindman 1b 6-0 190 R R 1977-03-27 La Mirada,CA Indy -- 2002-2003
Ron Inman p 6-3 185 L L 1959-07-28 La Mirada,CA Rk -- 1979-1982
1982- 14- 362-NYA
Jake Johnson p 6-2 205 R R 1989-01-25 La Mirada,CA College -- 2008-2010
Jimmy Johnson p 6-0 195 L L 1985-11-24 La Mirada,CA A+ -- 2007-2010
2008- 28- 854-NYN
Caleb Jung if 5-11 190 R R 2001 La Mirada,CA College -- 2021-2023
Steve Kaupang 1b 6-6 230 R R 1989-01-20 La Mirada,CA College -- 2008-2010
2009- 50-1515-NYA
Cody Kruip p 5-10 170 L L 1995 La Mirada,CA College -- 2014-2018
RJ Lan of 5-11 200 R R 1999 La Mirada,CA College -- 2020-2020
Tony Lendvai p 5-9 180 R R 2003 La Mirada,CA JrCollege -- 2022-2023
Erik Meyer p -- -- R R 1982-12-28 La Mirada,CA -- -- --
2005- 30- 912-SFN
Greg Moyer p 6-0 180 R R 1958-01-15 La Mirada,CA AA -- 1978-1981
1978-  3-  48-CHN
Joseph Muro p 6-0 161 R R 1984-02-16 La Mirada,CA A- -- 2004-2010
2004-  9- 255-TBA
AJ Nimeh if-of 6-3 200 L L 2003 La Mirada,CA College -- 2022-2024
Joey Peralta -- 5-9 175 R R -- La Mirada,CA JrCollege -- 2023-2024
Daniel Ponce de Leon p 6-3 200 R R 1992-01-16 La Mirada,CA MLB 2018-2021 2011-2023
2014-  9- 285-SLN
player name pos ht wt ba th Born place hilvl mlb years stat years draft info
Mark Quinn lf-rf 6-1 195 R R 1974-05-21 La Mirada,CA MLB 1999-2002 1994-2006
1995- 11- 302-KCA
Ron Rico p 6-2 210 L L 1971-02-19 La Mirada,CA Rk -- 1992-1992
1992- 15- 416-MIL
Andres Rodriguez if 5-7 170 R R 1992-05-29 La Mirada,CA College -- 2012-2016
Carlos Rodriguez p 6-3 212 L L 2003 La Mirada,CA College -- 2022-2024
Matt Rush p 6-1 220 R R 1990-06-02 La Mirada,CA College -- 2011-2012
Tanner Salazar p 5-9 -- -- -- 2002 La Mirada,CA College -- 2023-2024
CJ Sciacca ss 6-2 185 B R 1964-07-02 La Mirada,CA A+ -- 1982-1985
1982-  4-  81-CHN
Vincent Segovia p 6-3 215 L L -- La Mirada,CA JrCollege -- 2023-2023
Taylor Siemens p 6-5 200 L L 1989-07-01 La Mirada,CA A+ -- 2009-2013
2011- 18- 544-ARI
Derek Smith p 6-5 230 R R 1981-08-14 La Mirada,CA Indy -- 2005-2005
Kevin Smith 3b 6-1 215 L R 1984-01-15 La Mirada,CA AA -- 2005-2010
2006- 39-1184-NYA
Sawyer Smith of 5-7 160 R R 2001 La Mirada,CA College -- 2020-2023
Joe Turgeon if 5-11 185 R R 1982-05-02 La Mirada,CA College -- 2002-2006
Eric Valent lf-1b 5-11 195 L L 1977-04-04 La Mirada,CA MLB 2001-2005 1996-2006
1998-  1-  42-PHI
Mike Walsh p -- -- -- -- 1953 La Mirada,CA -- -- --
1972-  4-  76-KCA
Andrew White p 6-2 210 R R 2003 La Mirada,CA College -- 2022-2023
Nick Williams p 5-10 190 L L 2005-05-09 La Mirada,CA College -- 2024-2024
Chad Wilson of 6-1 180 R R 1999-02-26 La Mirada,CA College -- 2018-2022
Matt Wilson p 6-1 230 R R 2002 La Mirada,CA College -- 2023-2024
69 record(s)