The Baseball Cube


Coral Springs, Florida

Coral Springs, Florida

Players born here

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These are players known to have been born in this city. However, for larger cities, only the first 500 players will appear due to server load.
List of players from Coral Springs
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player name pos ht wt ba th Born place hilvl mlb years stat years draft info
Kevin Alexander p 6-1 170 R R 1991-05-04 Coral Springs,FL A+ -- 2010-2015
2009- 39-1166-BAL
Nick Alfano of 6-0 190 R R 1991-04-22 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2010-2013
Shaun Anderson p 6-6 228 R R 1994-10-29 Coral Springs,FL MLB 2019-2024 2014-2024
2016-  3-  88-BOS
David Austen p 5-9 150 L L -- Coral Springs,FL JrCollege -- 2024-2024
Eddie Ayala ut 5-10 175 L R 1999 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2020-2021
Jimmy Bacon if 6-2 197 L R 1982-09-16 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2003-2006
Domenic Baldino ss-2b 5-10 175 R R 1997-05-02 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2016-2016
Gavin Barnell p 6-1 190 R R 2002-09-06 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2022-2024
Nicholas Basso ut 5-11 175 R R -- Coral Springs,FL JrCollege -- 2022-2023
Sammy Beir p 6-1 185 R R 2004-02-12 Coral Springs,FL JrCollege -- 2024-2024
Cole Bumbales p 5-6 148 L L 1993-10-09 Coral Springs,FL Indy -- 2013-2018
Thomas Carroll of 6-2 210 L L 1988-02-18 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2008-2011
Kevin Chapman p 6-3 197 L L 1988-02-19 Coral Springs,FL MLB 2013-2016 2007-2018
2010-  4- 119-KCA
Oliver Christensen if 6-2 190 R R 1993-03-19 Coral Springs,FL -- -- --
TJ Clarkson p 6-3 195 R R 1990-05-07 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2009-2012
Jake Clemente p 6-3 220 R R 2003-11-10 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2024-2024
Steve Colangelo p 6-2 180 R R 1991 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2010-2011
Chris Connelly of 6-1 205 R R 1989-06-05 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2008-2011
Cole Cozzolino p 5-11 155 L L -- Coral Springs,FL JrCollege -- 2024-2024
Mark Culp p 5-11 185 L L 1984-01-03 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2003-2005
Caleb Cyr of-c 5-11 185 R R -- Coral Springs,FL College -- 2022-2024
Hunter D'Amato if 5-11 160 B R 2001-09-24 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2021-2024
Cole Derks p 6-2 232 -- -- -- Coral Springs,FL -- -- --
Brandon Diaz of 5-11 175 R R 1995-04-14 Coral Springs,FL A+ -- 2013-2017
2013-  8- 242-MIL
Nick Diaz if 5-11 185 -- -- 1996-06-30 Coral Springs,FL Indy -- 2017-2021
player name pos ht wt ba th Born place hilvl mlb years stat years draft info
Tucker Donahue p 6-2 200 R R 1990-08-27 Coral Springs,FL A -- 2009-2013
2012-  4- 145-TOR
Jayden Dubanewicz p 6-3 160 R R 2006-03-23 Coral Springs,FL -- -- --
2024- 16- 485-MIL
Tommy Eveld p 6-5 214 R R 1993-12-30 Coral Springs,FL AAA -- 2015-2023
2016-  9- 269-ARI
Gregory Feinberg c 5-10 156 R R 1993-12-27 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2013-2013
Chris Ferara if 6-1 180 R R 2001 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2022-2024
Wyatt Flack p 6-3 195 R R -- Coral Springs,FL College -- 2024-2024
Colin Flynn of 6-1 195 -- -- 2001-11-21 Coral Springs,FL -- -- --
Tyler Forney if 5-9 160 R R 1990 Coral Springs,FL Indy -- 2009-2015
Cayden Freels c 6-1 190 R R -- Coral Springs,FL College -- 2024-2024
Alex Froloff of 5-10 175 B R 1982-05-21 Coral Springs,FL Indy -- 2006-2007
Eddy Fuentes p 5-8 155 -- R 2005 Coral Springs,FL JrCollege -- 2024-2024
Luis Fuentes p 5-10 195 R R 2002 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2022-2022
Phil Gaby c 6-0 185 R R 1982 Coral Springs,FL -- -- --
David Giammaresi 1b 6-0 205 B R 1986-12-09 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2005-2008
Josh Glick p 5-10 170 R R 1994-06-08 Coral Springs,FL Indy -- 2013-2019
Jacob Gomberg p 5-10 175 L L 2005 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2024-2024
Andrew Gottfried p-of 5-11 185 R R 1996-12-05 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2016-2019
Tyler Gray p 6-3 240 R R 2003-06-09 Coral Springs,FL -- -- --
Noah Greenseid p 6-3 200 R R 2004 Coral Springs,FL -- -- --
Cam Harris if 5-10 185 L R 2004-03-03 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2023-2024
Kevin Heinrich p 6-3 195 R R 2001 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2021-2023
Blake Hely p 6-1 190 R R 2000-02-01 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2019-2023
Brandon Holden p 6-4 185 R R 1988-01-01 Coral Springs,FL A -- 2007-2010
2006- 13- 380-PIT
Matt Holsman if 5-9 170 R R 1990-08-18 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2009-2012
Shane Huntsberger p 6-1 180 R R -- Coral Springs,FL College -- 2024-2024
player name pos ht wt ba th Born place hilvl mlb years stat years draft info
Andrew Jenner 1b-of 5-11 175 L L 2001-02-23 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2020-2024
Brandon Jominy ss 6-0 185 R R 1982 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2001-2002
Dalton Juden p 6-7 245 R R 2003 Coral Springs,FL NAIA -- 2022-2024
Christopher Kahler p 6-1 180 R R 2002-05-07 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2021-2024
Adam Kam 1b 6-0 220 L R 1991-07-31 Coral Springs,FL Rk -- 2009-2014
2009- 50-1508-MIA
Matt Kavanaugh p 6-4 180 L L 2002 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2020-2024
James Kerr ss 6-1 180 R R 1975-04-28 Coral Springs,FL A -- 1994-1996
1993- 35- 981-NYA
Stephen Kerr if 5-10 165 R R 1994-12-22 Coral Springs,FL AA -- 2014-2018
2017-    UDFA-ANA
Kevin Knapp if-c 5-9 175 R R 1992-11-23 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2012-2013
David Kopp p 6-3 205 R R 1985-10-22 Coral Springs,FL AAA -- 2005-2014
2007-  2-  71-SLN
Cameron Krzeminski of 5-11 170 R R 1998-07-29 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2017-2021
Alex Lazar if 5-8 155 R R 2005 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2024-2024
Max Lazar p 6-1 200 R R 1999-06-03 Coral Springs,FL MLB 2024-2024 2017-2024
2017- 11- 324-MIL
Jon Lipinski p 6-2 210 R R 1994-01-25 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2014-2017
Dan Maier of 6-1 200 R R 1985-12-27 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2006-2009
Devin Makovsky p 6-0 195 R R 2001 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2020-2024
Connor Manning p 6-3 195 -- R 2003 Coral Springs,FL -- -- --
Timmy Manning p 6-2 195 L L 2001-09-10 Coral Springs,FL A -- 2021-2024
2023- 12- 360-SFN
Jacknier Martinez if -- -- R R 2003 Coral Springs,FL NAIA -- 2022-2024
Ryan Masters if 5-11 186 R R 1987 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2006-2009
Coby Mayo 3b-1b 6-5 230 R R 2001-12-10 Coral Springs,FL MLB 2024-2024 2021-2024
2020-  4- 103-BAL
Tyler McCarthy of 6-0 170 R R 1991 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2010-2013
Ryan McMahon p 6-6 215 R R 1990-11-20 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2010-2014
Ryan Meekins p 6-6 220 R R 2005 Coral Springs,FL JrCollege -- 2024-2024
Ryan Merz if-p 6-0 190 R R 1985 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2004-2004
player name pos ht wt ba th Born place hilvl mlb years stat years draft info
Devin Meyer p 6-3 180 L R 1996-07-29 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2016-2019
Trent Monaghan p 6-3 180 L L 1994 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2013-2016
Dillon Moquin of 6-0 195 L R 2005 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2024-2024
Scott Morrison c 5-11 180 R R 1989-12-27 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2009-2011
Kyle Morse p 6-4 213 R R 2003 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2022-2023
Mark Morton c-of 6-1 195 R R 1986-11-11 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2009-2009
Cameron Nelson of-p 6-0 185 L L 1989-06-18 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2010-2011
Brady Norris p 6-2 180 R R 1998 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2017-2020
Tyler Norris p 6-1 143 R R 1996 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2015-2018
Chris Nygaard p 6-4 230 B L 1972-04-29 Coral Springs,FL A -- 1994-1997
Jonny Ortiz p 6-3 185 L L 1994-07-15 Coral Springs,FL Indy -- 2017-2018
Richie Pena p 6-3 195 R R 2002 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2021-2024
Michael Pierson if-p 5-11 200 L R 1992-05-03 Coral Springs,FL A -- 2012-2016
2015- 21- 645-ANA
A.J. Prendergast p 6-2 185 R R 2004-06-23 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2023-2024
Tim Remes c 6-0 205 R R 1992-06-17 Coral Springs,FL AA -- 2012-2017
2012-    UDFA-DET
Chase Reyes if 5-11 160 R R 1997 Coral Springs,FL -- -- --
Chris Rodriguez p 6-2 185 R R 1998-07-20 Coral Springs,FL MLB 2021-2021 2016-2024
2016-  4- 126-ANA
Christian Rodriguez p 6-0 210 R R 2005 Coral Springs,FL -- -- --
Luis Rodriguez of-p 6-0 180 R R -- Coral Springs,FL JrCollege -- 2022-2023
Ben Rozenblum c 5-10 190 R R 2001-04-05 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2020-2024
Matthew Rubin c 6-1 205 R R 2003-05-28 Coral Springs,FL JrCollege -- 2023-2024
Nik Sanders if 5-10 180 R R -- Coral Springs,FL College -- 2018-2022
Jared Sapirstein p 5-10 164 L L 1974 Coral Springs,FL College -- 1993-1995
Nick Scahill p 6-3 200 R R 1994 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2014-2016
Greg Schilling p 6-2 170 L L 1984-12-21 Coral Springs,FL -- -- --
2004- 42-1260-MIN
player name pos ht wt ba th Born place hilvl mlb years stat years draft info
Brett Schneider p 6-1 195 R R 1994-07-17 Coral Springs,FL Indy -- 2013-2022
Mike Sharkevich p 6-2 205 R R 1985 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2004-2004
Jack Sinclair p 6-4 170 R R 1999-05-03 Coral Springs,FL AAA -- 2018-2024
2021- 16- 473-WAS
Angelo Smith p 6-2 175 L R 2004 Coral Springs,FL JrCollege -- 2023-2024
Ryan Sneir p 6-6 213 R R 1985-10-18 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2003-2005
Jorge Solano of 5-10 185 R R 1994-10-21 Coral Springs,FL A+ -- 2018-2018
2018-    UDFA-SEA
Benjamin Spitale 1b 6-2 185 L L 1965-07-15 Coral Springs,FL A+ -- 1986-1987
Evan Stecko-Haley p 6-5 185 R R 1990-08-25 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2008-2012
Cody Stiles p 6-2 180 R R 1991-03-17 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2010-2013
2009- 39-1185-NYA
Hunter Stolov p 6-2 215 L L -- Coral Springs,FL JrCollege -- 2024-2024
Travis Stortz p 6-0 175 L L 1988-09-27 Coral Springs,FL Rk -- 2008-2010
2007- 36-1080-TBA
Max Tannenbaum p 5-10 190 R R 1997-05-29 Coral Springs,FL Indy -- 2016-2023
Brandon Texiera p 6-2 205 R R 1993-04-21 Coral Springs,FL Rk -- 2014-2017
2017-    UDFA-MIL
J.D. Underwood p 6-2 215 L R 1992-09-02 Coral Springs,FL A -- 2012-2015
2013-  5- 154-LAN
Jassiel Valbuena if 6-0 -- -- -- 2004 Coral Springs,FL JrCollege -- 2024-2024
Matthew Vargas if 6-1 188 R R 2004 Coral Springs,FL NAIA -- 2023-2024
Randy Vollmer ss 6-1 177 R R 1968-07-17 Coral Springs,FL Indy -- 1993-1993
1987- 37- 957-CAL
Haiden Walters if 5-11 185 L R 2004-02-04 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2023-2024
Craig Warner p 6-0 250 R R 1990-10-18 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2010-2013
Colton Welker 1b-3b 6-0 235 R R 1997-10-09 Coral Springs,FL MLB 2021-2021 2016-2023
2016-  4- 110-COL
Josh Widlansky if 5-11 185 R R 1981-11-22 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2001-2002
Robbie Widlansky 1b-of 6-2 185 B R 1984-11-06 Coral Springs,FL AAA -- 2004-2014
2007- 11- 339-BAL
Kyle Yeoward p 6-0 210 R R 2001-02-27 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2020-2020
Bryan Zenchyk 1b 6-1 215 R R 1982-06-18 Coral Springs,FL College -- 2001-2004
124 record(s)