The Baseball Cube


2003 Somerset Patriots

2003 Somerset Patriots

Atlantic League (Ind)

minor franchise
MLB Parent
67-59 (.532)
Commerce Bank Ballpark
att rk
year range
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Batting Statistics
*Reload page to restore grid
Grid Actions:
Tips/tools for using data gri ds:

  • Manual Filter: Single-click a row to highlight in orange. Click FILTER ROWS button to show only those rows in the grid
  • Quick-Filter: Double-Click on a cell value to filter the grid on rows that have same value in same column. Click a statistic to view all values equal or higher
  • Select Rows: Single-click rows to select multiple rows for future action or visibility.
  • Hide Rows: Click the` minus sign in the first column to hide the row in the grid.
  • Restore Rows: Once rows are filtered, click RESTORE ROWS to show all rows once again
  • Sort: Click a column in the first header row to sort data by values in that column. Click again to reverse the original sort. Some cells have custom sort keys that will sort them logically instead of alphanumerically.
  • Compare/Analyze: Click multiple rows for players of interest. In addition to filtering, you can quickly COMPARE player stats or use the MULTI-PLAYER STAT VIEWER to view multiple player cards on the same page.
  • Leaders: On stat grids. Top-10 ranked statistics are highlighted in gray. #1 rank is in light green. (PREMIUM setting)
  • Export to CSV: Click CSV to convert the full grid into a comma-delimeted display. From there, you can copy/paste to another application.
  # player name age ba pos link   g ab   r   h 2b 3b hr rbi sb cs bb so hbp sh sf iw gdp tb pa xbh 1b avg obp slg ops secA iso babip bb% so% so/bb ab/hr hilvl mlb years stat years
8 Michael Warner 32 L of -- 120 464 81 126 24 2 6 44 29 13 63 78 2 1 2 4 9 172 532 32 94 .272 .360 .371 .730 .269 .099 .314 11.84 14.66 1.24 77.33 AAA -- 1990-2003
22 Emiliano Escandon 28 L 2b -- 116 420 70 125 15 4 6 58 15 5 50 41 3 15 4 4 4 166 492 25 100 .298 .373 .395 .768 .240 .098 .316 10.16 8.33 0.82 70.00 AAA -- 1995-2005
9 Jeff Nettles 24 R 3b -- 117 412 68 118 25 2 13 56 1 2 37 103 5 9 2 1 10 186 465 40 78 .286 .351 .451 .802 .252 .165 .352 7.96 22.15 2.78 31.69 AAA -- 1998-2012
3 Eric Martins 30 R 2b -- 111 402 65 120 17 1 5 43 5 1 40 34 7 18 2 0 4 154 469 23 97 .299 .370 .383 .753 .194 .085 .315 8.53 7.25 0.85 80.40 AAA -- 1994-2003
7 Matthew Dryer 23 R of-1b -- 103 353 53 88 24 2 7 40 8 2 33 67 3 2 1 1 5 137 392 33 55 .249 .318 .388 .706 .249 .139 .289 8.42 17.09 2.03 50.43 AA -- 1999-2008
19 Ryan Radmanovich 31 L of -- 87 305 58 86 12 4 21 65 5 3 47 67 4 0 2 5 5 169 358 37 49 .282 .383 .554 .937 .433 .272 .297 13.13 18.72 1.43 14.52 MLB 1998-1998 1993-2009
33 Luis Lopez 38 R c-1b -- 82 280 28 83 14 0 8 49 0 1 15 10 3 2 5 0 12 121 305 22 61 .296 .333 .432 .765 .186 .136 .281 4.92 3.28 0.67 35.00 MLB 1990-1991 1984-2004
25 Alex Hernandez 26 L 1b-rf -- 76 249 37 70 8 1 3 30 11 4 24 35 2 1 2 4 6 89 278 12 58 .281 .347 .357 .704 .201 .076 .315 8.63 12.59 1.46 83.00 MLB 2000-2001 1995-2006
12 Robinson Cancel 27 R c -- 69 236 27 56 3 0 10 38 11 2 20 32 3 3 3 0 9 89 265 13 43 .237 .302 .377 .679 .263 .140 .234 7.55 12.08 1.60 23.60 MLB 1999-2011 1994-2013
12 Mitch Meluskey 29 B c -- 63 231 39 83 18 1 2 34 5 0 32 28 5 0 1 5 9 109 269 21 62 .359 .446 .472 .918 .273 .113 .401 11.90 10.41 0.88 115.50 MLB 1998-2003 1992-2003
23 Jeremy Luster 26 B if -- 67 188 28 47 8 0 2 25 6 2 22 33 0 2 0 1 7 61 212 10 37 .250 .329 .324 .653 .213 .074 .294 10.38 15.57 1.50 94.00 AA -- 1998-2003
6 Tony Gsell 26 R ss-of -- 67 167 29 44 6 0 11 35 4 2 17 45 5 5 0 0 2 83 194 17 27 .263 .349 .497 .846 .347 .234 .297 8.76 23.20 2.65 15.18 A -- 1996-2006
14 Tom McGee 28 R c -- 55 154 18 34 5 0 1 14 0 2 4 32 2 3 3 0 2 42 166 6 28 .221 .245 .273 .518 .065 .052 .266 2.41 19.28 8.00 154.00 AAA -- 1997-2005
-- Edgard Clemente 27 R of -- 34 127 28 42 8 1 9 35 1 0 11 15 3 0 1 1 5 79 142 18 24 .331 .394 .622 1.016 .386 .291 .317 7.75 10.56 1.36 14.11 MLB 1998-2000 1993-2012
-- Melvin Nieves 31 B of -- 38 125 22 35 7 0 7 27 7 3 36 34 1 0 0 2 2 63 162 14 21 .280 .444 .504 .948 .544 .224 .333 22.22 20.99 0.94 17.86 MLB 1992-1998 1988-2008
-- Norm Hutchins 27 B of -- 21 82 14 23 4 2 2 14 3 1 6 16 1 1 0 0 1 37 90 8 15 .280 .337 .451 .788 .268 .171 .328 6.67 17.78 2.67 41.00 AAA -- 1994-2012
-- Marcus Knight 24 B of -- 17 56 7 11 2 0 0 5 0 2 4 9 0 1 0 0 1 13 61 2 9 .196 .250 .232 .482 .071 .036 .234 6.56 14.75 2.25 -- A+ -- 1996-2005
-- Greg Blosser 32 L lf -- 12 44 3 8 1 0 2 5 0 0 4 12 0 0 0 0 2 15 48 3 5 .182 .250 .341 .591 .250 .159 .200 8.33 25.00 3.00 22.00 MLB 1993-1994 1989-2008
-- Sandy Deleon 23 R c -- 5 17 4 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 6 19 1 4 .294 .368 .353 .721 .118 .059 .294 5.26 0.00 0.00 -- Indy -- 1998-2015
-- Mike Figga 32 R c -- 4 15 2 3 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 4 16 1 2 .200 .250 .267 .517 .067 .067 .273 6.25 25.00 4.00 -- MLB 1997-1999 1990-2004
-- Glen Barker 32 R of -- 3 15 3 3 0 2 0 1 2 1 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 7 16 2 1 .200 .250 .467 .717 .400 .267 .250 6.25 18.75 3.00 -- MLB 1999-2001 1993-2003
21 Mike Oquist 35 R p -- 35 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 0.00 0.00 -- -- MLB 1993-1999 1988-2004
-- Totals (22 players) 28.7 -- -- -- 1302 4343 684 1210 203 22 115 618 113 47 468 698 50 63 28 28 97 1802 4952 340 870 .279 .353 .415 .768 .259 .136 .308 9.45 14.10 1.49 37.77 AAA -- 1994-2012
Pitching Statistics
*Reload page to restore grid
Grid Actions:
Tips/tools for using data gri ds:

  • Manual Filter: Single-click a row to highlight in orange. Click FILTER ROWS button to show only those rows in the grid
  • Quick-Filter: Double-Click on a cell value to filter the grid on rows that have same value in same column. Click a statistic to view all values equal or higher
  • Select Rows: Single-click rows to select multiple rows for future action or visibility.
  • Hide Rows: Click the` minus sign in the first column to hide the row in the grid.
  • Restore Rows: Once rows are filtered, click RESTORE ROWS to show all rows once again
  • Sort: Click a column in the first header row to sort data by values in that column. Click again to reverse the original sort. Some cells have custom sort keys that will sort them logically instead of alphanumerically.
  • Compare/Analyze: Click multiple rows for players of interest. In addition to filtering, you can quickly COMPARE player stats or use the MULTI-PLAYER STAT VIEWER to view multiple player cards on the same page.
  • Leaders: On stat grids. Top-10 ranked statistics are highlighted in gray. #1 rank is in light green. (PREMIUM setting)
  • Export to CSV: Click CSV to convert the full grid into a comma-delimeted display. From there, you can copy/paste to another application.
  # player name age throws link role   w   l   g gs cg sh gr gf sv ip   h   r er hr bb so wp bk hb era whip h9 hr9 bb9 so9 ra9 so/bb hilvl mlb years stat years
32 Robert Dodd 30 L -- Starter 7 7 18 16 1 1 2 1 0 99.2 100 48 44 6 38 74 1 0 0 3.97 1.38 9.03 0.54 3.43 6.68 4.33 1.95 MLB 1998-1998 1994-2003
11 Rick Krivda 33 L -- Starter 3 6 16 13 0 0 3 2 0 76.0 96 57 53 7 24 41 2 0 0 6.28 1.58 11.37 0.83 2.84 4.86 6.75 1.71 MLB 1995-1998 1991-2003
21 Mike Oquist 35 R -- Rel/St 3 6 33 7 0 0 26 10 1 70.1 83 34 31 8 25 34 0 0 0 3.97 1.54 10.62 1.02 3.20 4.35 4.35 1.36 MLB 1993-1999 1988-2004
34 Kirk Griffin 28 R -- Rel/St 2 4 36 2 0 0 34 15 1 61.1 74 41 38 12 20 37 1 0 0 5.58 1.53 10.86 1.76 2.93 5.43 6.02 1.85 A+ -- 1998-2003
16 Matt Schwager 25 R -- Reliever 5 3 39 0 0 0 39 17 5 51.1 50 29 19 4 15 36 2 0 0 3.33 1.27 8.77 0.70 2.63 6.31 5.08 2.40 A+ -- 1998-2004
-- Jason Cly 25 R -- Reliever 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 5.2 10 10 10 2 2 2 1 0 0 15.88 2.12 15.88 3.18 3.18 3.18 15.88 1.00 Indy -- 2001-2003
24 Mike Gray 26 L -- Reliever 1 4 36 0 0 0 36 12 0 41.2 46 17 9 1 21 33 2 0 0 1.94 1.61 9.94 0.22 4.54 7.13 3.67 1.57 AAA -- 1998-2003
-- Derek Dace 28 L -- Reliever 0 1 5 0 0 0 5 2 0 4.0 8 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 9.00 2.00 18.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 -- AAA -- 1994-2003
44 Leslie Brea 24 R -- Reliever 2 1 35 0 0 0 35 26 7 36.1 26 13 13 3 8 33 1 0 0 3.22 0.94 6.44 0.74 1.98 8.17 3.22 4.13 MLB 2000-2001 1996-2003
-- Scott Navarro 28 L -- Rel/St 1 3 15 3 0 0 12 6 0 32.0 40 23 18 3 9 22 1 0 0 5.06 1.53 11.25 0.84 2.53 6.19 6.47 2.44 AA -- 1997-2008
38 Cam Smith 29 R -- Reliever 0 2 21 0 0 0 21 9 4 28.0 24 23 17 2 24 30 4 0 3 5.46 1.71 7.71 0.64 7.71 9.64 7.39 1.25 AAA -- 1993-2006
-- Scott Aldred 35 L -- Closer 3 1 20 0 0 0 20 11 7 24.1 21 7 5 2 6 28 2 0 0 1.85 1.11 7.77 0.74 2.22 10.36 2.59 4.67 MLB 1990-2000 1987-2004
-- Rob Luce 28 R -- Reliever 2 1 10 0 0 0 10 5 1 17.0 17 4 4 0 7 5 1 0 0 2.12 1.41 9.00 0.00 3.71 2.65 2.12 0.71 AAA -- 1996-2003
29 Jason Dickson 30 R -- Starter 10 5 23 23 2 0 0 0 0 149.0 152 68 58 11 41 115 5 0 0 3.50 1.30 9.18 0.66 2.48 6.95 4.11 2.80 MLB 1996-2000 1994-2004
37 Brett Jodie 26 R -- Starter 12 5 24 24 0 0 0 0 0 135.2 145 63 57 9 37 88 7 0 8 3.78 1.34 9.62 0.60 2.45 5.84 4.18 2.38 MLB 2001-2001 1996-2005
35 Steve Falteisek 31 R -- St/Rel 7 7 25 19 4 1 6 1 0 133.1 135 66 49 10 43 81 6 0 0 3.31 1.34 9.11 0.68 2.90 5.47 4.46 1.88 MLB 1997-1999 1990-2003
15 Justin Jensen 29 L -- Starter 9 3 19 19 2 0 0 0 0 125.0 109 50 40 13 36 79 7 0 0 2.88 1.16 7.85 0.94 2.59 5.69 3.60 2.19 AA -- 1994-2004
-- Totals (17 players) 28.8 -- -- -- 67 59 379 126 9 2 253 117 26 1,090.2 1136 557 469 93 356 738 43 0 11 3.87 1.37 9.37 0.77 2.94 6.09 4.60 2.07 MLB 2001-2001 1996-2005
Fielding Statistics
*Reload page to restore grid
Grid Actions:
Tips/tools for using data gri ds:

  • Manual Filter: Single-click a row to highlight in orange. Click FILTER ROWS button to show only those rows in the grid
  • Quick-Filter: Double-Click on a cell value to filter the grid on rows that have same value in same column. Click a statistic to view all values equal or higher
  • Select Rows: Single-click rows to select multiple rows for future action or visibility.
  • Hide Rows: Click the` minus sign in the first column to hide the row in the grid.
  • Restore Rows: Once rows are filtered, click RESTORE ROWS to show all rows once again
  • Sort: Click a column in the first header row to sort data by values in that column. Click again to reverse the original sort. Some cells have custom sort keys that will sort them logically instead of alphanumerically.
  • Compare/Analyze: Click multiple rows for players of interest. In addition to filtering, you can quickly COMPARE player stats or use the MULTI-PLAYER STAT VIEWER to view multiple player cards on the same page.
  • Leaders: On stat grids. Top-10 ranked statistics are highlighted in gray. #1 rank is in light green. (PREMIUM setting)
  • Export to CSV: Click CSV to convert the full grid into a comma-delimeted display. From there, you can copy/paste to another application.
player name age pos   g gs inn po   a   e dp tc tsc sb cs sb% fpct rfg rfi rf9i tm shr pl shr tm rk hilvl mlb years stat years
Robinson Cancel 27 c 66 0 0.0 376 43 4 2 423 419 0 0 -- .991 6.3 -- -- 52.4 95.7 1 MLB 1999-2011 1994-2013
Sandy Deleon 23 c 5 0 0.0 21 0 0 0 21 21 0 0 -- 1.000 4.2 -- -- 4.0 100.0 3 Indy -- 1998-2015
Tom McGee 28 c 49 0 0.0 259 35 3 2 297 294 0 0 -- .990 6.0 -- -- 38.9 89.1 2 AAA -- 1997-2005
Totals (3 players) 26.0 c 120 0 0 656 78 7 4 741 734 0 0 -- .991 6.1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
player name age pos   g gs inn po   a   e dp tc tsc sb cs sb% fpct rfg rfi rf9i tm shr pl shr tm rk hilvl mlb years stat years
Matthew Dryer 23 1b 30 0 0.0 267 13 1 21 281 280 0 0 -- .996 9.3 -- -- 23.8 29.1 1 AA -- 1999-2008
Totals (1 players) 23.0 1b 30 0 0 267 13 1 21 281 280 0 0 -- .996 9.3 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
player name age pos   g gs inn po   a   e dp tc tsc sb cs sb% fpct rfg rfi rf9i tm shr pl shr tm rk hilvl mlb years stat years
Emiliano Escandon 28 2b 114 0 0.0 255 302 18 86 575 557 0 0 -- .969 4.9 -- -- 90.5 98.3 1 AAA -- 1995-2005
Totals (1 players) 28.0 2b 114 0 0 255 302 18 86 575 557 0 0 -- .969 4.9 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
player name age pos   g gs inn po   a   e dp tc tsc sb cs sb% fpct rfg rfi rf9i tm shr pl shr tm rk hilvl mlb years stat years
Jeff Nettles 24 3b 117 0 0.0 65 270 32 25 367 335 0 0 -- .913 2.9 -- -- 92.9 100.0 1 AAA -- 1998-2012
Robinson Cancel 27 3b 2 0 0.0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 -- 1.000 0.5 -- -- 1.6 2.9 2 MLB 1999-2011 1994-2013
Totals (2 players) 25.5 3b 119 0 0 65 271 32 26 368 336 0 0 -- .913 2.8 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
player name age pos   g gs inn po   a   e dp tc tsc sb cs sb% fpct rfg rfi rf9i tm shr pl shr tm rk hilvl mlb years stat years
Tony Gsell 26 ss 30 0 0.0 27 60 8 13 95 87 0 0 -- .916 2.9 -- -- 23.8 44.8 1 A -- 1996-2006
Emiliano Escandon 28 ss 1 0 0.0 2 2 0 0 4 4 0 0 -- 1.000 4.0 -- -- 0.8 0.9 2 AAA -- 1995-2005
Totals (2 players) 27.0 ss 31 0 0 29 62 8 13 99 91 0 0 -- .919 2.9 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
player name age pos   g gs inn po   a   e dp tc tsc sb cs sb% fpct rfg rfi rf9i tm shr pl shr tm rk hilvl mlb years stat years
Ryan Radmanovich 31 of 88 0 0.0 155 5 1 0 161 160 0 0 -- .994 1.8 -- -- 69.8 101.1 1 MLB 1998-1998 1993-2009
Matthew Dryer 23 of 51 0 0.0 77 4 3 0 84 81 0 0 -- .964 1.6 -- -- 40.5 49.5 2 AA -- 1999-2008
Tom McGee 28 of 5 0 0.0 7 0 1 0 8 7 0 0 -- .875 1.4 -- -- 4.0 9.1 8 AAA -- 1997-2005
Melvin Nieves 31 of 35 0 0.0 67 4 5 2 76 71 0 0 -- .934 2.0 -- -- 27.8 92.1 3 MLB 1992-1998 1988-2008
Edgard Clemente 27 of 34 0 0.0 76 3 0 2 79 79 0 0 -- 1.000 2.3 -- -- 27.0 100.0 4 MLB 1998-2000 1993-2012
Glen Barker 32 of 3 0 0.0 9 1 0 1 10 10 0 0 -- 1.000 3.3 -- -- 2.4 100.0 9 MLB 1999-2001 1993-2003
Tony Gsell 26 of 24 0 0.0 35 1 0 1 36 36 0 0 -- 1.000 1.5 -- -- 19.0 35.8 5 A -- 1996-2006
Norm Hutchins 27 of 22 0 0.0 42 2 0 0 44 44 0 0 -- 1.000 2.0 -- -- 17.5 104.8 6 AAA -- 1994-2012
Marcus Knight 24 of 16 0 0.0 28 1 1 1 30 29 0 0 -- .967 1.8 -- -- 12.7 94.1 7 A+ -- 1996-2005
Totals (9 players) 27.7 of 278 0 0 496 21 11 7 528 517 0 0 -- .979 1.9 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
player name age pos   g gs inn po   a   e dp tc tsc sb cs sb% fpct rfg rfi rf9i tm shr pl shr tm rk hilvl mlb years stat years
Brett Jodie 26 p 24 0 0.0 9 18 0 1 27 27 0 0 -- 1.000 1.1 -- -- 19.0 100.0 1 MLB 2001-2001 1996-2005
Cam Smith 29 p 21 0 0.0 2 3 0 0 5 5 0 0 -- 1.000 0.2 -- -- 16.7 100.0 2 AAA -- 1993-2006
Totals (2 players) 27.5 p 45 0 0 11 21 0 1 32 32 0 0 -- 1.000 0.7 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --