The Baseball Cube


1995 Amarillo Dillas

1995 Amarillo Dillas

Texas-Lousiana League (Ind)

minor franchise
MLB Parent
64-36 (.640)
Potter County Memorial Stadium
att rk
year range
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Batting Statistics
*Reload page to restore grid
Grid Actions:
Tips/tools for using data gri ds:

  • Manual Filter: Single-click a row to highlight in orange. Click FILTER ROWS button to show only those rows in the grid
  • Quick-Filter: Double-Click on a cell value to filter the grid on rows that have same value in same column. Click a statistic to view all values equal or higher
  • Select Rows: Single-click rows to select multiple rows for future action or visibility.
  • Hide Rows: Click the` minus sign in the first column to hide the row in the grid.
  • Restore Rows: Once rows are filtered, click RESTORE ROWS to show all rows once again
  • Sort: Click a column in the first header row to sort data by values in that column. Click again to reverse the original sort. Some cells have custom sort keys that will sort them logically instead of alphanumerically.
  • Compare/Analyze: Click multiple rows for players of interest. In addition to filtering, you can quickly COMPARE player stats or use the MULTI-PLAYER STAT VIEWER to view multiple player cards on the same page.
  • Leaders: On stat grids. Top-10 ranked statistics are highlighted in gray. #1 rank is in light green. (PREMIUM setting)
  • Export to CSV: Click CSV to convert the full grid into a comma-delimeted display. From there, you can copy/paste to another application.
  # player name age ba pos link   g ab   r   h 2b 3b hr rbi sb cs bb so hbp sh sf iw gdp tb pa xbh 1b avg obp slg ops secA iso babip bb% so% so/bb ab/hr hilvl mlb years stat years
-- Kevin Tahan 28 R 1b-of -- 100 393 82 131 26 3 13 95 8 3 56 57 1 0 5 5 7 202 455 42 89 .333 .413 .514 .927 .336 .181 .360 12.31 12.53 1.02 30.23 AA -- 1987-1998
-- Dennis Hood 28 R of -- 96 376 100 140 37 5 11 83 56 10 63 56 3 0 8 1 5 220 450 53 87 .372 .458 .585 1.043 .503 .213 .407 14.00 12.44 0.89 34.18 AAA -- 1984-1996
-- Jason Keith 24 R ss -- 100 372 64 107 22 1 3 51 8 9 29 50 7 2 4 1 8 140 414 26 81 .288 .347 .376 .723 .164 .089 .322 7.00 12.08 1.72 124.00 Indy -- 1994-2001
-- Jeff Kiraly 22 L 1b -- 95 372 61 111 28 5 9 78 4 3 34 62 0 0 10 1 6 176 416 42 69 .298 .349 .473 .822 .269 .175 .328 8.17 14.90 1.82 41.33 A -- 1991-1997
-- Donald Allen 25 R of -- 88 338 66 97 10 2 1 28 22 10 28 40 2 9 4 0 6 114 381 13 84 .287 .341 .337 .679 .169 .050 .319 7.35 10.50 1.43 338.00 Indy -- 1992-1997
-- Larry Meza 22 L ss -- 77 313 58 95 12 3 5 58 5 2 31 39 1 3 1 2 5 128 349 20 75 .304 .367 .409 .776 .214 .105 .333 8.88 11.17 1.26 62.60 A+ -- 1990-1996
-- Pat Conreaux 23 R of -- 74 250 40 71 14 2 1 26 7 3 36 35 2 2 0 2 5 92 290 17 54 .284 .378 .368 .746 .244 .084 .327 12.41 12.07 0.97 250.00 Indy -- 1991-1995
-- Greg Elliott 23 B of -- 71 250 51 73 15 3 2 28 5 4 44 49 1 0 2 1 7 100 297 20 53 .292 .397 .400 .797 .288 .108 .353 14.81 16.50 1.11 125.00 Indy -- 1991-1995
-- Lonnie Maclin 28 L of -- 50 208 50 79 10 4 1 29 18 8 24 25 0 2 2 2 7 100 236 15 64 .380 .440 .481 .921 .264 .101 .424 10.17 10.59 1.04 208.00 MLB 1993-1993 1987-2003
-- Mike Fernandez 25 R of-3b -- 46 180 35 56 14 2 3 40 1 0 21 27 1 0 2 3 4 83 204 19 37 .311 .382 .461 .843 .272 .150 .349 10.29 13.24 1.29 60.00 AA -- 1991-1996
-- Jorge Alvarez 26 R 2b -- 47 175 32 62 16 1 7 35 7 4 20 13 1 5 3 3 7 101 204 24 38 .354 .417 .577 .994 .354 .223 .348 9.80 6.37 0.65 25.00 AAA -- 1988-2012
-- Joseph Gunderson 23 R c -- 44 113 18 35 4 0 2 23 1 1 23 27 2 1 3 0 1 45 142 6 29 .310 .426 .398 .824 .292 .088 .379 16.20 19.01 1.17 56.50 Indy -- 1995-1995
-- Duston Ridner 23 R c -- 17 59 7 13 0 0 0 6 11 0 11 18 1 1 0 0 2 13 72 0 13 .220 .352 .220 .572 .373 .000 .317 15.28 25.00 1.64 -- A- -- 1994-1996
-- Jeffrey Gazeway 0 -- 2b -- 15 50 3 11 0 1 0 6 0 1 6 17 1 0 2 0 1 13 59 1 10 .220 .305 .260 .565 .140 .040 .314 10.17 28.81 2.83 -- Indy -- 1995-1995
-- Jason Pruitt 22 L p -- 14 44 5 10 0 0 0 4 1 0 7 7 0 0 1 0 2 10 52 0 10 .227 .327 .227 .554 .182 .000 .263 13.46 13.46 1.00 -- A -- 1991-1995
-- Albert Montoya 26 L p -- 32 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 0.00 0.00 -- -- AAA -- 1991-1998
-- Tommy Taylor 24 R p -- 8 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 -- 0.00 100.00 -- -- AA -- 1989-2004
-- Brian Nelson 26 R p -- 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- A- -- 1990-1995
-- Totals (18 players) 23.2 -- -- -- 984 3496 672 1091 208 32 58 590 154 58 433 523 23 25 47 21 73 1537 4024 298 793 .312 .387 .440 .826 .279 .128 .349 10.76 13.00 1.21 60.28 MLB 1993-1993 1987-2003
Pitching Statistics
*Reload page to restore grid
Grid Actions:
Tips/tools for using data gri ds:

  • Manual Filter: Single-click a row to highlight in orange. Click FILTER ROWS button to show only those rows in the grid
  • Quick-Filter: Double-Click on a cell value to filter the grid on rows that have same value in same column. Click a statistic to view all values equal or higher
  • Select Rows: Single-click rows to select multiple rows for future action or visibility.
  • Hide Rows: Click the` minus sign in the first column to hide the row in the grid.
  • Restore Rows: Once rows are filtered, click RESTORE ROWS to show all rows once again
  • Sort: Click a column in the first header row to sort data by values in that column. Click again to reverse the original sort. Some cells have custom sort keys that will sort them logically instead of alphanumerically.
  • Compare/Analyze: Click multiple rows for players of interest. In addition to filtering, you can quickly COMPARE player stats or use the MULTI-PLAYER STAT VIEWER to view multiple player cards on the same page.
  • Leaders: On stat grids. Top-10 ranked statistics are highlighted in gray. #1 rank is in light green. (PREMIUM setting)
  • Export to CSV: Click CSV to convert the full grid into a comma-delimeted display. From there, you can copy/paste to another application.
  # player name age throws link role   w   l   g gs cg sh gr gf sv ip   h   r er hr bb so wp bk hb era whip h9 hr9 bb9 so9 ra9 so/bb hilvl mlb years stat years
-- Patrick Miller 27 R -- Reliever 1 1 4 0 0 0 4 4 0 8.2 5 3 3 0 3 2 1 0 0 3.12 0.92 5.19 0.00 3.12 2.08 3.12 0.67 AA -- 1989-1995
-- Kyle Duey 27 R -- Rel/St 6 4 21 6 1 1 15 13 3 66.2 66 35 24 2 24 65 6 0 0 3.24 1.35 8.91 0.27 3.24 8.78 4.73 2.71 AAA -- 1990-1999
-- Russ Swan 31 L -- Reliever 1 2 7 0 0 0 7 4 1 6.2 10 7 5 1 6 4 2 0 0 6.75 2.40 13.50 1.35 8.10 5.40 9.45 0.67 MLB 1989-1994 1985-1996
-- Albert Montoya 26 L -- Rel/St 2 1 31 1 0 0 30 18 4 51.2 58 30 24 4 14 28 4 1 1 4.18 1.39 10.10 0.70 2.44 4.88 5.23 2.00 AAA -- 1991-1998
-- Tim Bojan 25 R -- Rel/St 0 3 27 1 0 0 26 11 2 51.2 61 41 36 5 29 33 6 0 1 6.27 1.74 10.63 0.87 5.05 5.75 7.14 1.14 A -- 1992-1995
-- Mark Czarkowski 28 L -- Starter 1 2 8 7 1 0 1 1 1 42.2 54 34 24 4 11 24 1 0 1 5.06 1.52 11.39 0.84 2.32 5.06 7.17 2.18 AAA -- 1986-1995
-- Paul Perkins 24 R -- Reliever 3 1 21 0 0 0 21 10 4 42.1 50 25 24 7 12 30 0 0 0 5.10 1.46 10.63 1.49 2.55 6.38 5.31 2.50 AA -- 1990-1996
-- Tommy Taylor 24 R -- St/Rel 0 3 7 4 0 0 3 2 0 25.1 31 20 14 1 12 13 1 0 0 4.97 1.70 11.01 0.36 4.26 4.62 7.11 1.08 AA -- 1989-2004
-- Craig Hanselman 0 -- -- Rel/St 0 2 18 1 0 0 17 12 4 23.0 36 20 17 1 10 16 4 0 2 6.65 2.00 14.09 0.39 3.91 6.26 7.83 1.60 Indy -- 1995-1995
-- Alfred Kermode 24 R -- Starter 14 4 22 22 5 2 0 0 0 151.0 171 81 69 9 26 92 4 0 4 4.11 1.30 10.19 0.54 1.55 5.48 4.83 3.54 AA -- 1992-2000
-- Daren Brown 28 R -- Starter 15 2 23 22 4 1 1 0 0 146.1 142 67 51 10 41 121 10 0 3 3.14 1.25 8.73 0.62 2.52 7.44 4.12 2.95 AA -- 1989-1999
-- Brian Nelson 26 R -- Reliever 0 0 10 0 0 0 10 5 0 13.2 14 6 6 2 10 9 5 0 2 3.95 1.76 9.22 1.32 6.59 5.93 3.95 0.90 A- -- 1990-1995
-- Greg Bicknell 26 R -- Starter 10 6 19 18 4 0 1 0 0 125.0 135 70 52 10 41 80 6 0 2 3.74 1.41 9.72 0.72 2.95 5.76 5.04 1.95 AA -- 1989-2008
-- Todd Youngblood 24 R -- Starter 11 5 19 18 3 2 1 0 0 110.2 116 52 48 9 23 68 5 0 5 3.90 1.26 9.43 0.73 1.87 5.53 4.23 2.96 A+ -- 1990-1997
-- Steve Chitren 28 R -- Reliever 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1.2 4 5 5 0 3 1 1 0 1 27.00 4.20 21.60 0.00 16.20 5.40 27.00 0.33 MLB 1990-1991 1986-1995
-- Joseph Gunderson 23 R -- Reliever 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1.0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0.00 2.00 9.00 0.00 9.00 0.00 9.00 0.00 Indy -- 1995-1995
-- Kevin Becker 22 R -- Reliever 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1.0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 9.00 1.00 9.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 -- A+ -- 1992-1995
-- Totals (17 players) 24.3 -- -- -- 64 36 240 100 18 6 140 82 19 869.0 955 498 403 65 266 586 57 2 22 4.17 1.41 9.89 0.67 2.75 6.07 5.16 2.20 MLB 1990-1991 1986-1995
Fielding Statistics
*Reload page to restore grid
Grid Actions:
Tips/tools for using data gri ds:

  • Manual Filter: Single-click a row to highlight in orange. Click FILTER ROWS button to show only those rows in the grid
  • Quick-Filter: Double-Click on a cell value to filter the grid on rows that have same value in same column. Click a statistic to view all values equal or higher
  • Select Rows: Single-click rows to select multiple rows for future action or visibility.
  • Hide Rows: Click the` minus sign in the first column to hide the row in the grid.
  • Restore Rows: Once rows are filtered, click RESTORE ROWS to show all rows once again
  • Sort: Click a column in the first header row to sort data by values in that column. Click again to reverse the original sort. Some cells have custom sort keys that will sort them logically instead of alphanumerically.
  • Compare/Analyze: Click multiple rows for players of interest. In addition to filtering, you can quickly COMPARE player stats or use the MULTI-PLAYER STAT VIEWER to view multiple player cards on the same page.
  • Leaders: On stat grids. Top-10 ranked statistics are highlighted in gray. #1 rank is in light green. (PREMIUM setting)
  • Export to CSV: Click CSV to convert the full grid into a comma-delimeted display. From there, you can copy/paste to another application.
player name age pos   g gs inn po   a   e dp tc tsc sb cs sb% fpct rfg rfi rf9i tm shr pl shr tm rk hilvl mlb years stat years
Jorge Alvarez 26 2b 42 0 0.0 86 123 7 24 216 209 0 0 -- .968 5.0 -- -- 42.0 89.4 1 AAA -- 1988-2012
Totals (1 players) 26.0 2b 42 0 0 86 123 7 24 216 209 0 0 -- .968 5.0 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
player name age pos   g gs inn po   a   e dp tc tsc sb cs sb% fpct rfg rfi rf9i tm shr pl shr tm rk hilvl mlb years stat years
Jorge Alvarez 26 3b 3 0 0.0 1 4 0 0 5 5 0 0 -- 1.000 1.7 -- -- 3.0 6.4 1 AAA -- 1988-2012
Totals (1 players) 26.0 3b 3 0 0 1 4 0 0 5 5 0 0 -- 1.000 1.7 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
player name age pos   g gs inn po   a   e dp tc tsc sb cs sb% fpct rfg rfi rf9i tm shr pl shr tm rk hilvl mlb years stat years
Greg Bicknell 26 p 19 0 0.0 9 15 1 1 25 24 0 0 -- .960 1.3 -- -- 19.0 100.0 1 AA -- 1989-2008
Totals (1 players) 26.0 p 19 0 0 9 15 1 1 25 24 0 0 -- .960 1.3 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --