The Baseball Cube


1987 New York-Penn League

1987 New York-Penn League

'A-' Minor League

New York-Penn League
league type
teams count
years range
1987 Season Standings
*Reload page to restore grid
Grid Actions:
Tips/tools for using data gri ds:

  • Manual Filter: Single-click a row to highlight in orange. Click FILTER ROWS button to show only those rows in the grid
  • Quick-Filter: Double-Click on a cell value to filter the grid on rows that have same value in same column. Click a statistic to view all values equal or higher
  • Select Rows: Single-click rows to select multiple rows for future action or visibility.
  • Hide Rows: Click the` minus sign in the first column to hide the row in the grid.
  • Restore Rows: Once rows are filtered, click RESTORE ROWS to show all rows once again
  • Sort: Click a column in the first header row to sort data by values in that column. Click again to reverse the original sort. Some cells have custom sort keys that will sort them logically instead of alphanumerically.
  • Compare/Analyze: Click multiple rows for players of interest. In addition to filtering, you can quickly COMPARE player stats or use the MULTI-PLAYER STAT VIEWER to view multiple player cards on the same page.
  • Leaders: On stat grids. Top-10 ranked statistics are highlighted in gray. #1 rank is in light green. (PREMIUM setting)
  • Export to CSV: Click CSV to convert the full grid into a comma-delimeted display. From there, you can copy/paste to another application.
year division rank lgrk minor team level mlb   g   w   l wpct gbl rf ra diff manager place ballpark attend. playoffs
1987 Eastern 1 2 Watertown Pirates A- PIT 76 44 32 .579 0.0 409 349 60 Jeff Cox Watertown,New York Duffy Fairgrounds 33,004 Lost in Finals (Geneva)
1987 Eastern 2 5 Oneonta Yankees A- NYA 75 41 34 .547 2.5 416 373 43 Gary Allenson Oneonta,New York Damaschke Field 48,903 dnq
1987 Eastern 3 7 Auburn Astros A- HOU 75 39 36 .520 4.5 342 342 0 Gary Tuck Auburn,New York Falcon Park 29,740 dnq
1987 Eastern 4 8 Little Falls Mets A- NYN 74 38 36 .514 5.0 408 370 38 Richard Miller Little Falls,New York Little Falls Veterans Memorial Park 32,536 dnq
1987 Eastern 5 10 Utica Blue Sox A- PHI 74 31 43 .419 12.0 315 393 -78 Tony Taylor Utica,New York Donovan Stadium at Murnane Field 51,435 dnq
1987 Eastern 6 11 Elmira Pioneers A- BOS 76 26 50 .342 18.0 325 470 -145 Bill Limoncelli Elmira,New York Dunn Field 49,848 dnq
year division rank lgrk minor team level mlb   g   w   l wpct gbl rf ra diff manager place ballpark attend. playoffs
1987 Western 1 1 Geneva Cubs A- CHN 76 48 28 .632 0.0 352 274 78 Tom Spencer Geneva,New York McDonough Park 19,918 League Champions (Watertown)
1987 Western 2 3 Jamestown Expos A- MON 77 44 33 .571 4.5 358 317 41 Gene Glynn Jamestown,New York College Stadium 46,324 dnq
1987 Western 3 4 Newark Orioles A- BAL 74 42 32 .568 5.0 431 311 120 Mike Hart Newark,New Jersey Colburn Park 21,489 dnq
1987 Western 4 6 St. Catharines Blue Jays A- TOR 77 41 36 .532 7.5 316 316 0 Joe Lonnett St. Catharines,Ontario Community Park 48,015 dnq
1987 Western 5 9 Erie Cardinals A- SLN 75 36 39 .480 11.5 298 348 -50 Joseph Rigoli Erie,Pennsylvania Ainsworth Field 59,698 dnq
1987 Western 6 12 Batavia Trojans A- 77 23 54 .299 25.5 307 398 -91 Art Mazmanian Batavia,New York Dwyer Stadium 25,339 dnq
12 record(s)